Igniting tech passions with GeeksforGeeks!

Our GFG Student Chapter at YCCE harnesses the power of GeeksforGeeks, a leading platform for coding excellence. We're here to empower aspiring tech enthusiasts, providing a launchpad for refining coding skills, embracing innovation, and shaping future tech leaders. Join us in the quest for innovation and expertise! Let's code our way to a future filled with endless possibilities and groundbreaking tech marvels! 💻✨


Up-coming Event

Membership Drive

🚀 YCCE's GFG Student Chapter: Code, innovate, connect! Join us for an exciting journey with exclusive resources and thrilling challenges.

Past Events

Our Team

Agrani Dhoble
Hitanshu Dadhich
Vice Chairperson
Abhishek Bhoyar
Technical Head
Amit Shou
Events Head
Rahul Koduri
Design & Branding Head
Aanvita Awte
PR & Outreach Head
Sahil Ninawe
Marketing Head
Himanshu Mondhe
Social Media Head
Devanshu Soni
Literary Head
Rehan Khan
Database Head
Samarth Sharma

Membership Drive

Apply Now.